. Pondok Cabe Cuisine in Yogyakarta | Typical Culinary in Indonesia


Nov 11, 2010

Pondok Cabe Cuisine in Yogyakarta

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Now we stop at the city jogja, jogja known as student city which is identical with the right pocket passan. Of course they choose where to eat cheap enough for them. For those of you who like it extra spicy chili or chili, we offer you a place to eat altrnatif Pondok Cabe name. The place is spacious plus there's free Hotspot area amenities to make visitors feel more betah.Sesuai with chili Cottage name, a menu mainstay here is 15 sauce that is ready to be selected for our dining menu.

Onion sauce, Sambal firecrackers, Plow Sambal, Sambal Tepe, Sambal sudden, Paste Sambal Goreng, Sambal Mount, Black Sambal Manis, Sambal Penyetan, Iwak Sambal, Sambal Tempe, brambang Sambal, Sambal Tomato, Sambal Sambal Lombok Ijo and Mango (Seasonal) . All that we can enjoy quite a price of Rp 1,500 - Rp 2000, - per sauce.

My main dish choices are Garang Asem Chicken, the menu is made from chicken in coconut milk given later in the wrap with banana leaves then steamed, just like the Pepes but with coconut milk. Equipped with a piece of red pepper and tomato, plus a sour taste from starfruit wuluh as a characteristic of Javanese cuisine tengah.Harga Rp 5,500, -

For vegetables, I choose oseng kale, fresh kangung with garlic and chili in oseng so one does add enjoyment my lunch. Plus also the smell ebi from the sidelines between kale that nose piercing, make me can not wait to eat it. Enough with the Rp 3,000, -

Rice Drinks Kencur ES has a property removes pegel and can add our appetite, the ice jam rice kencur indeed be a typical menu choices from central java region. Quite a price of Rp 2,500, -

Alternative drinks menu that is our next JUICE THE GUN, made from young coconut or degan that the juice. Drink this one is highly enjoyed by the visitors, in addition to suegerrr was also hard to find elsewhere. Anyway, very enjoyable. The price of Rp 4,500, -. You are interested in the menu on the menu, just come toPondok Cabe Jl. C. Simanjuntak No.. 41 B - Jogja Tel: (0274) 551445-0813 9292 2121.

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