. Timlo Maestro Original Solo | Typical Culinary in Indonesia


Feb 5, 2011

Timlo Maestro Original Solo

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If we remember this one dish that is Timlo, of course we know Timlo is cuisine mainstay of the city of Solo. Of course, if you take a walk to the solo do not miss this one culinary tourism. This is indeed the most delicious food at dinner dish served to us. In general Timlo containing glass noodles, tuberose stems, meatball, mushroom, with a sauce that is very fresh.

But the difference in Timlo this one, the Maestro, it is enriched with susis, chicken meat, gizzard and liver. Already guaranteed mantab taste and certainly addictive, for those interested in playing just to Solo stopping area Jl. Diponegoro or Jl. KH. Ahmad Dahlan No.60 - SOLO Tel: 081 56718300 - (0274) 638 538. Usually the new Maestro Timlo sold at 9 pm and was up at 11 pm, quite fast also raided the buyers 2 hrs are sold out.

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