. Culinary 88 pancakes and gelato Flapjacks | Typical Culinary in Indonesia


Feb 17, 2011

Culinary 88 pancakes and gelato Flapjacks

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Air Bali in March of this heat is not ketulungan, make for lazy way out in time. Fortunately near the hotel that I lef it appears there was one place that is rich koq good for cooling the body, mainly because the merchandise is Gelato (a type of ice cream with fat content and lower air, the difference between gelato and ice cream can be found here or here) . Jump pictured enjoy the fresh taste gelato flowing through the tongue and red mane me amid the heat of Kuta. Finally my direct family to spend some time on the sidelines of our trip is to visit this place, FLAPJACKS, House of Pancakes and Home-made Gelato ...

Home-Made Gelato, this is clearly a major selling this place. A variety of unique flavors presented ready to pamper our taste. Call it the Blueberry, Blackberry, Kiwi, Strawberry, Orange, Yogurt, Tiramisu, Caramel, Chocolate, Mango, Lemon, Vanilla and so forth. Milihnya just been confused, after we try one on one (but not all tablets) finally fell to our preferred partner Mango and Blueberry, to order two scoops us. It is true, do not lose come here, taste really fresh fruit, and soft cream. So nice, the price is not so expensive with super delicious flavors. Price: Rp.16.000 (1scoop); Rp.29.000 (2scoops); Rp.42.000 (3scoops)

Chocolate Chip Pancakes, choice of my son who is a true chocolate lovers. Two stacks of pancakes crowned with a scoop of soft chocolate gelato, then flush with sauce and brown granules. It feels ... abis chocolate, but that made me interested, pancakes, which was very soft. I do not really like each chocolate alone so come fight my children eat pancakes together. Price: Rp.55.000, -

Banana Split, three scoops gelato is clamped by two pieces of banana, then affixed cream and strawberries and chocolate sauce on top. Gelatonya itself should we choose to feel, but I ask who wrote the standards: chocolate, vanilla and strawberry. Frankly, my first time to eat a banana split for always thinking what delicious banana ice cream mixed. But, after tasting menu on this one, this keliatannya going to be my favorites, delicious crazy.

House of Pancakes and Home-made Gelato
Komp. Kuta Sidewalk, Jl. Kartika Plaza, Kuta-Bali
(Sebelah Ramayana Hotel)
Telp: 0361 - 765100

Source : http://www.banyumurti.net/  

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