. Grilled Fish Lae-Lae Makassar | Typical Culinary in Indonesia


Feb 17, 2011

Grilled Fish Lae-Lae Makassar

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Visit my second time to Makassar as the center of eastern Indonesia this time brought by the many culinary-by graffiti in the city. My week there, a lot of unique culinary city was formerly named Ujung Pandang. Therefore, writing about my culinary city of Makassar is divided into three parts. The first section will contain streaks of Fish Fuel Lae-Lae, one of the restaurant's main menu presents a variety of sea food which is located in the vicinity of Losari.

Same with my visit to Padang, some time ago, on June 24, 2007 I flew to Makassar for one week to fulfill the invitation of Research and Development Agency HR Depkominfo to provide ICT training for government officials and eGovernment in South Sulawesi Province. Landed at Hasanuddin Airport Makassar, my compatriots, Hadi Susilo, immediately invited to enjoy lunch Fish Bakr, precisely in Fish Fuel Lae-Lae.

Arriving at this restaurant, we immediately asked to choose fish or other seafood will be served. Of the various types of fish, we chose baronang grilled fish as the main menu, with some portion of grilled shrimp and shrimp fried flour as a complement, and do not forget we could swamp the message as a menu of vegetables. This grilled fish is served with various kinds of chili, but a very typical mango sauce. As an appetizer we ordered the brains.

What about taste? Although quite tasty, but I think it's still less with grilled fish in town I have ever visited last year (see Cuisine 03). The fish is quite steady, but not as good as the ingredients in place. The brain-mind is also quite tasty, but not very tasty. Which I think is pretty tasty Shrimp Fried Flour. Crunchy and tasty until the head-head.

Drinks that my message that time is no less interesting, I ordered Eggplant Juice Netherlands. It was like a rock guava juice but more fluid. Very refreshing on a hot afternoon in the city of Makassar. In addition to this juice, a drink worth trying is Young Coconut Ice, sugar that is used for coconut ice is brown sugar, so it's quite feel:). Es Kelapa Muda I ordered it last night during my visit this time.

So for my friends who got a chance visit to Makassar, Fish Fuel Lae-Lae is one of the culinary attractions that need to be visited to enjoy a variety of seafood such as fish, shrimp and squid that can be presented with different variations such as fried, baked, rica-rica spice, sweet and sour and others. Good luck.

Source: http://www.banyumurti.net/

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