. Epe Banana and Saraba Makassar | Typical Culinary in Indonesia


Feb 17, 2011

Epe Banana and Saraba Makassar

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Writing my latest culinary tour of the city of Makassar is serving snacks from the capital of South Sulawesi province. I had taken the time to walk around enjoying the night air in Makassar. Stop at the Cafe Gigi, to hang out for a while enjoying the musical accompaniment of a single organ, but that a singer is the guests themselves, each table has the right to send representatives to the sing a maximum of 2 pieces of songs. Interesting? From my desk which is developed from Mr Sham Jaya Kab. Jeneponto to contribute their songs.
As friends hang out, I ordered a drink that has long I been looking for the Saraba. My last drink these beverages when there is work in Gorontalo, I just know that it turns out this is a special drink Saraba from Makassar, I think all this is a typical beverage Gorontalo. Drinks made from ginger, egg, coconut milk and brown sugar, it really kicked it feels. Warm and sweet, could re-invigorating an already weak body. These drinks can be found a lot on the roadside at night or for my friends who had traveled to Makassar by plane, Saraba can also be found in Toraja Executive Lounge.

If we walked Losari, then we will see a lot of cart vendors who peddle snacks are bananas Epe. What is a banana Epe? Bananas are baked and then directly in the press using a pair of wooden blocks, then served with brown sugar mixed with liquid that has been grated coconut, and is usually given the scent of jackfruit and durian. While enjoying the breeze beach, this snack really become its own sensation to enjoy the night air in the city of Makassar.

Source: http://www.banyumurti.net/ 

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