. Juice Ketan Hitam and Juice Pinang Muda from Padang | Typical Culinary in Indonesia


Feb 14, 2011

Juice Ketan Hitam and Juice Pinang Muda from Padang

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One more from the results of culinary tourism in the city of Padang, in addition to special food, this region also presents many unique drinks. One of them is Juice Ketan Hitam. It feels really fresh, though impressed too sweet (giung Sundanese language). After I observed, though rarely in Padang cuisine are sweet, but for drinks or snacks (snack) of this province tend to be very sweet.

In addition to juice Ketan Hitam, I also had time to taste the juice Pinang Muda. Unlike the matchmaker juice that I feel at RM Pak Datuk few months ago, in the field, precisely in the hotel restaurant prince Beach, this juice is served cold but not hot. It felt like I was not told in the past but there is ginger aroma, very similar to Saraba beverage, which is a typical beverage Gorontalo city.

There is another, unique beverages from this city. At night I idly jalan2 in front of the hotel to find food. When being bought satay padang on the roadside, beside I see there are carpenter herbs that are serving many guests to buy drinks green. It turns out that cingcau drinks, presented with several options such as syrup and lime juice and coconut syrup. I tried to buy one pack, rather to remove heat.

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