. Sate Padang and durian ice (Padang) | Typical Culinary in Indonesia


Feb 14, 2011

Sate Padang and durian ice (Padang)

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Durian Ice Replace nan Lamo. In contrast to Es Durian in Bandung, for example at Mie Mie Akung or Chicken in Tuba Ismail, where durians are presented in the form of logs, here is shaped durian ice melted. Presented in a bowl, filled first with a girlfriend and young coconut pulp, then the ice that has been shaved, the new top dibanjur lumeran durian and given chocolate sweetened condensed milk. It feels? If you are into the city of Padang, where it MUST be visited:) The place is around the bridge Siti Nurbaya (sorry forgot to record the name of the course) We can enjoy this durian ice with various other menus such as satay padang, gado-gado padang, pempek etc. . At this stall wall displayed photos of celebrities who have visited from Azwar Anas, Hetty Koes Endang, until today's soap opera actress.

Unlike Thanksgiving Sate Padang Mak Long, Sate Padang in small roadside stalls are using gagrak Pariaman, the sauce is slightly reddish. According to Mr. Bondan Winarno, reddish color in satay sauce pariaman obtained from the chili that makes it more bite. It feels, so good man ... Maybe because I had cravings sate padang since arriving at Minangkabau International Airport (BIM), but just enjoy the day-to-3:) While only a small roadside stalls, but the meat and satay sauce served really quite extraordinary.

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