. Mie Aceh | Typical Culinary in Indonesia


Mar 3, 2011

Mie Aceh

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Mie Aceh is a spicy noodle dish typical of the Aceh region, usually a thick yellow noodles in capmur with slices of beef, lamb or seafood curry served disup glass, also mixed with chicken egg and bean sprouts.

Mie aceh available in two variations, aceg gorenh noodles (the dry fried) noodle soup dam Aceh (thick). Usually in sprinkle with fried shallots, and served with chips, onion slices, cucumber. Dijakarta enough Aceh noodle seller, if you are looking for a spicy noodles, try the local jl. bendungan hilir Jakarta, there are quite a lot of sellers mie aceh.

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